Curatorial Initiatives
Kant's Essay
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The Perpetual Peace Project begins from the understanding that the concept of "peace" is not immediately translatable across different cultures and socio-political contexts.
The intent of this series of workshops is therefore to explore the translatability of the concept of peace, beginning from the understanding that there is no universal language that can serve as the basis for such a conversation.
The workshops cannot succeed in providing a full definition or an ideal discussion; rather, they merely enact a conversation about peace within each institutional and cultural setting.
Peace is discussed differently in each workshop because of the institutional and social frameworks in which the concept itself is situated. In other words, the different institutional spaces and socio-political conditions for these workshops frame the discussions before they have taken place.
The multiple voices heard in the recordings from these workshops, available online, construct a space for other possible meanings. These voices are not intended to give a coherent definition for that culture, but rather make visible--to the participants, and to others--the process of defining and translating peace itself.

Watch videos and listen to conversations with students at Beaconhouse National University

Hong Kong/Beijing
Watch videos and listen to conversations with students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing

Watch videos and listen to conversations with students at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology

San Diego
Listen to conversations with students and advocates in La Jolla and San Ysidro, California

Listen to conversations with students at Haverford College

Learn about upcoming seminars at Syracuse University and the University of Pennsylvania